Fotos Exactas, en el momento Exacto

Cuantas veces nos retratamos, intentamos quedar bien de cualquier forma, pero hacer una foto en el momento exacto y poder disfrutarlo esto no tiene Precio...

Best stingray photobomb ever – The stingray likes taking photos with guests who come to his cay. However, the same cannot be said about the guests who just want a photo in the water.
Tu que hubieras echo...

Dog can stand on water – Even does like to show their pals that walking on water is easy. It looks like his friend is just checking on him to see if he is okay.
El perro el mejor amigo del Surft

Huge wave – An amazing sight to watch coming to shore. It will definitely be a soaker to those who stand too close.
Espero que sepa nadar

And then I said engage – The girl and the horse laugh at something funny together. Their bonding friendship will last a life time.
Si que estubo bueno el chiste, o fue un pedo

Monkey orchid – While on a hike and finding this rare gem is cool. Definitely something to show everyone and ask if it looks like a monkey face.
Creia que las Adas no existian

So precious – These two girls maybe dressed a like, but they show compassion to each other. This is how siblings need to be.
Tan lindas, seran marineritas

Where did he come from? – Finding Waldo isn’t easy until he crashes your photo op. Wave back at him just as he passes through the park.
Siempre ahi un payaso, jajajajaaaa... Pero creo que el preciso fue el.

As a plane passes the moon – An amazing photo timed perfectly.
Vez siempre dije que iriamos a la luna en avion.

Perfectly timed shot with the moon and crane – Please move the moon behind the mountain, that way I can see it rise up again.
Por fin, una verdadera grua

That plane is not going any where – It looks like the statue can pick out planes from the sky. You have wonder which airlines it thinks is the best or worst?
Uffffff la maco el piloto

Statue juggling plane – Playing with a plane in the air isn’t easy, but this statue seems to have the hang of it.
No es un mosquito

Monks in Pongua Falls, Vietnam – An amazing scene from a waterfall. One of the best places to just unwind from life.
Esto es saber ser monje

Stick together – When friends like to bond after a day out. These two must be tired and just like to cuddle together.
Cuanta ternura..

Moon almost like an eye – Ever wondered if the moon was watching you, now you can say yes it has been.
Este debe ser el portar por donde se fue Jhon carter a la luna

Amazing dolphin created by birds – During sunset another amazing creation from birds make for a cool night.
Esta ocurriendo, la 10 plagas de egipto

Amazing perfectly timed sunset – When playing soccer ball during at sunset is not available, the sun is able to fill in as your ball to kick.
Seguro juega al quemao

Eagle leaves its mark perfectly timed – When flying so fast its leaving a trail behind.
Uffffff Aguila achorra

Eiffel tower crane perfectly timed – Can the crane lift it up and move it to a new location?
Si podia con la luna, que no va a poder con esta torresita

Flamingos shape a flamingo – Even flamingos know what they look like without looking in a mirror. This is very amazing to see from above.
Quien diria!!!! uaooo

Headless gymnast perfect timed – When acrobatics is just creepy sometimes. The amazing things one can do when performing a show.
Ya si nos invadieron, los extraterreste con cabezas de pie

Holy Fish in Indonesia – So many fish migrating somewhere, if the boy was hungry he would have an easy catch.
No creo que yo pueda

Ladybug riding a flower – Where is it heading off to so fast? There was no chance to see if fly with its friends nearby.
Uffff una brujaaaaa

Lightning amazingly timed – When mother nature sends a bolt into town. This is when it gets interesting for the two buildings.
Eso le paso a Flash

Aqui terminamos, traten cuidarse mucho, por que los expertos en fotos anda por ahiiii

Fuente allperfectlytimed
